Who knew that blended in with their own evolving personalities I would be smacked in the face with a good taste of my own vocal outbursts, mannerisms and yes even sarcasm.
The talking has been growing by leaps and bounds, new words and expressions are slipping from their little mouths so frequently it is hard to keep up with the evolving vocabulary and comprehension they are showing us on a daily basis.
Today during a tense moment of trying to cook lunch, post an ad on Craig's List and balance two toddlers on my lap....I chose to expel a long and exasperated breath, a sigh if you will. Lil Dude did it to near perfection not a 1/2 second later and then he blessed me with it 3 more times.
A little later Aubriana was eating a piece of home made banana bread we had all prepared together when she spilled it on the family room carpet(as is her nightly ritual,to gather food and spill repeatedly, apparently the carpet fibers blended in with the nightly snack add that certain something my original recipe is lacking). As I was bending down to re-claim the food off the floor I uttered in a semi-disgusted tone "Good God"..1/2 second later Lil Dude reiterates it perfectly and even his sweet child voice showed the strain and frustration I had in my original utterance.
I knew this would eventually happen, I'd have to re-learn the way I express myself, but as a life long sarcastic smart a**, this is not a change I think will come easy, if at all.
Do I want toddlers walking around grumbling like Red Fox, Archie Bunker, Mae West or George Burns? No, but I've been talking like those people and worse for decades. How can an emotional outburst give the satisfaction of expressing one's strongest emotions when it is watered down to such a weak substitution i.e. "Sugar, Honey, Iced Tea" or "Fudge Rucker", "Whitches", "Son of a Bunch", "Frig o ramma". They just don't release the pent up frustrations like the original words they must replace.
This is part of the evolution of parent hood, we think we are affecting them, but in truth, they are here to teach us.
Lesson learned you little Mother lovers.
First of all - I laughed my way through reading this post.
Second, I snort-laughed my way through the last line of the post.
Third - YOU MADE THE BREAD!!!! I heart you!
Fourth - Note to self: we must stop cursing like drunken sailors around the kids. Frig.
Love you mucho
Oh, I am in tears. That last line put me over the edge. I can just hear the virtual twins now. Honey, you're gonna get it back in STEREO!
Love the picture of these two beauties...they really are scrumptous.
Gary is gonna have to send you to Mother Lovers Anonymous Charm School before the kids pick up much more...though the damage may have already been stored in their little minds waiting for them to hit "repeat" again and again when you're out shopping and some well meaning granny gets in their sweet little faces.
Actually, I can't wait!
And, its 'bout time you posted again!
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