Monday, February 9, 2009

Splish - Splash

Hey, is this a tushy shot?

A day at the spa (sort of)

Nobody pull the plug, I'm tellin' ya for the last time.

Hey, they pulled the plug!

What is that camera doing in here? I'm not ready for my close-up.

I was talking to my sister on the phone the other night and telling her another bath-tub story about the kids, when I heard her say (for what must have been the 20th time) "you should take a picture of that". It occurred to me, I didn't have any bathtub photos of the kids together.

With Lil Dude, we had nothing but photos of him in water; you would have thought he was
a member of Jacques Cousteau's lead diving team.
When Aubriana arrived on the scene, suddenly our wash load doubled and who had time to capture water frolicking on a memory stick when there were twice as many everythings to be cleaned and scrubbed?
Then it dawned on me, flash forward to the future when the kids are bickering and yelling some
nonsense about cooties and "no boys/girls allowed" yadda yadda yadda and I could pull out one of these gems and say,
"Do you remember when you loved and adored each other; when every night you would come to me pulling at your clothes wanting them off so you could get in the tub together?
Do you remember when brother would push you down and get put in time out and while he was crying, you would go and sit with him and put your hand on his shoulder and share his timeout with him?
Do you remember that whenever I got brother up from sleeping he would race me to your door so he could be the one to wake you up with a scream of joy and a smile?
Do you remember how the two of you would jump on our bed in diapers and roll over each other squealing and laughing as if it was the best thing in the world?
Do you remember when you couldn't walk yet and brother could and he would go to the staircase and call to you in a language only the two of you understood until you crawled over to him and you would ascend together?
Do you remember? I do..."


Stacey said...

OMG, How cute are they!!! Love it, and some day they are going to be mortified. I have one or two shots of James and Miah in the tub together when we first got her home and he already cringes when I start looking at them.

Robyn said...

LOVE IT!!! I especially love the spa shot with all your matching headbands. That is definite blackmail material.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I really like the spa photo too. You need to put that as your fb profile pic.

We have tons of pictures of Colin when he was little. Poor Lauren. The 2nd one usually ends up with a much smaller number of photos compared to their older sibling.

Just wanted to let you know that I visit too. Though I am a much worse commenter than you. Haha!!
