Sunday, May 4, 2008

Medical Exam

This picture goes with the one below (I'm still getting the hang of this Blogger thing) this artist takes a picture of your baby and paints it on the inside of small bottle; so that is upside down and backwards - very impressive.
The required medical exam, it is not a big deal very cursory, Aubriana did great until they tried to put the tongue depressor in her mouth - no food no open mouth.

We were told she weighed about 14 lbs. back in January, but she weighed in at 16 lbs. today 4 months later.

The exam area was air conditioned but there were many mosquitoes inside, TIP bring your own bug repellent, as we haven't seen any here and I'm told if you find it, it isn't very effective.

This is Alina, she is part of another group of families, but we were told several times from people in her group that they thought she looked like tell me?

Another view of the artist painting in the bottle.

Tomorrow our guide takes the paperwork to the American Consulate, then the next day we have the swearing in ceremony.

On a side note, a few people have left derogatory comments judging me, my personality, and family based on nothing more than a few paragraphs of reporting the details of MY journey.

I am not trying to author a fairy tale of Ribbons and Roses where everything is perfect and the birds sing your name, this is an honest reporting of my experiences and my feelings.

You don't know me or my situation; and I feel disdain for anyone who thinks that assessing people without personal knowledge and randomly (and anonymously) criticizing and judging them and their thoughts is a constructive use of time.

You and your comments are promptly deleted.

To all my friends and family, we love and miss you and can't wait to see you very soon.

Love Valerie


Anonymous said...

Hello Valerie,

I hope to see you and your precious little one soon. You are almost on the way, and are missed by all of us here at home. I am sorry you are having to deal with negative comments while you are in China. Don't let them get to you.

Love ya,
Momma Martha

Anonymous said...

Hey Valerie! So excited to get the updates from China! Looking forward to seeing you when you return - and get your iced tea and air conditioning!

Jodi said...

Wow! Aubriana is bigger then Jailyn at 16 mos! That is great to hear and see! Even more Wow! Alina and Aubriana do look a like! And they both have "A" names! :)
I love those artists! We want one of all the kids when we go back!
Can't wait to see Aubriana in her red, white and blue at the swearing in!

Girl - don't let those fools get to you! I, your friend, have loved your blogging and everything about it! If you don't want to share certain things to the entire world that is your place! I totally respect that! This is your family not theirs! I appreciate your honesty through out your blog and life! That is what makes you a trustworthy friend! I'm with you- this sugar coating is for the birds!
I am so proud of you immersing yourself in the culture and the people!
Now let's get y'all home so we can get on with your life and y'all can raise Aubriana and love her unconditionally as you already do!
Love you sweetie!
Praying for a smooth flight home!
~Jodi Sue and the gang!

Anonymous said...

Delurking to say that I love your blog. Your new daughter is beautiful and is such a lucky little girl to be joining such a wonderful, loving family. Have a safe and uneventful trip HOME!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Val (if I may call you that) and your new famly of 3, I bow to you and your honesty on your trip to China. This is the real stuff people. It's not always sunshine in paradise. We were there in July and August of 2004 and it was not the most fun thing, brutally hot, oppressive humidity. Sometimes feeling trapped in the hotels until it was later in the day but then fearing mosquito bites at that hour. Don't get me wrong, it was the trip of a lifetime and our daughter was and is beautiful but some of the bumps in the road made things not so fantasy-like just realistic to what traveling around the world can be like. Val, I encourage your honesty, I think it's what most of us like to hear and have in common with others. Have a safe journey home and for heaven's sake, I hope you get through the stop points much easier, you deserve it!
Sue J., Milford, CT
dh Larry; ds Maxwell, Ho Chi Minh City, August 1997; dd Emma, Xinfeng SWI, Jiangxi, July 2004

Kim said...

Sounds like things are going well..
You are almost on your way HOME..

Christie said...

Now you see, this just pisses me off. If people want to come to your blog and have nothing nice to say...I swear! This is elementary school courtesy, we're talking about...


What is the gain? They think they're teaching you a lesson? They think they are changing your whole outlook on life by "putting you in your place" through a freaking comment on a public forum? Please, people?!? Give me a break!

Valerie, honey - we love you and your blog and your hilarious and HONEST posts. You mean it's not like a Disney movie? No bluebirds singing in the background? Well shoot...I guess I better go unpack my ball gown and glass slippers for Ethiopia? Jeesh!

You ROCK GIRL! Forget them...Aubriana is a DOLL and I appreciate your honesty. It's not all roses and there is nothing wrong with being freaking honest.

Gotta get off my soapbox.

Love you

Karen said...

Hi Valerie -

Looks like you, Gary and little Aubriana are having the trip of a lifetime! Keep blogging and posting about your trip. Your story and others really keep me going! Don't let others who want to be so negative keep you from sharing about your trip. It's your life and your daughter and if you don't want to tell about every dirty diaper or negative thing that happens on the trip then it's your business! This is your fairy tale come true and Aubriana certainly is a little princess!

Panda hugs,

Anonymous said...

I love seeing all your pictures and sharing in your experiences - thank you for letting us have a window into your journey. We too did a blog for our journey to Ana Lu and had to deal with judgmental and unkind commentors -- don't let them get to you. You have a lovely daughter and clearly many friends -- that's all that matters.

Pat, Michelle, Sarah (Guangxi - a. 5-9-04) & Ana Lu (Chongqing - a. 4-3-07)

Shannon said...

Just wanted to post and say I have so enjoyed reading your journey. Best wishes for everything to go smoothly in Guangzhou and for a safe journey home.

Anonymous said...

I love how honest your blogging has been. Don't let rude people get you down. I don't know you personally but from what I have read so far you are going to be an awesome momma and I am so happy for you and your husband. We hope to be in China by the end of June!! We will get our picture and call on Monday!! Yippee!!

Erin said...

Asshats. That's all they are. Girl, your honesty has always been one of my very favorite things about you. I always know where I stand with you and I love how you don't mince words. People that don't know you have no business attacking you. Don't change how you report things. That just wouldn't be YOU. We know your heart and we love you. And those haters can just go and read another blog where sunshine will blow up their skirts. :-)

And I just love the bravery in those posters. Can't even put their name to their comment? Chickens.

You look amazing and Aubriana is so gorgeous. That picture of you leaning over her at the medical exam brought tears to my eyes. Girl, your dream has come true and I'm so happy for you.

Love you, miss you and see you on Wednesday! I'll be the one hanging out at baggage claim with tears streaming down my face. :-) Sista #3

Anonymous said...

Hi...I am a lurker...found you when Robin went to get her little girl...since I am a Texas girl, I found your group of interest. I have to tell you that I am so disappointed that someone would feel that they had the right to question you on your own blog....if the person has a need to type something, why not put it on their own blog! I'm sorry you have had to deal with that trashy kind of stuff on your special trip with your special sweeties! Have fun and enjoy and get that beautiful little girl to Texas where she belongs!!

Anonymous said...

I completely agree that Audriana and that other little girl look somewhat alike.

Keep up the posting of the cutie pie baby pictures! Love 'em!

Anonymous said...

Hey Valerie - I want you to know I have enjoyed all your posts very much. I so much appreciated someone with a sense of humor willing to portray the real deal in China. I am a BTDT as well and going back. I think I'll make my blog private for this very reason. Who needs people like you have encountered? Keep up the good work. Your posts are a riot. Enjoy baby Aubriana and come home safe!!!!
Sue Cornelius - Freeville NY

Anonymous said...


You rock babe! You are honest and "tell it like it is". We have loved every picture and every post and are living vicariously through your journey (and Robyn's) until our long awaited day comes. We love your tips and have made note of every honest piece of advice you have shared.

So - my best advice is copied from a telegram Barbara Walters got when she was the first woman anchor on television and her man co-anchor was so mean to her...

"Don't let the bastards get you down". From....John Wayne

Walk tall my friend!!
Teresa & David

Sandra said...

Love the pics and your wit combined with honesty. Hang in there and don't worry about the senseless fools who are just looking for something to complain about! Hope to see you all soon!

Stephanie said...

Hi -

I've been enjoying your blog... esp since we're hoping to head to Chenzhou soon (fingers crossed!) ourselves. Wondering if you had the opportunity to go see Aubriana's SWI? I know some people have gone, but don't know whether that's true for all.

Can't wait to be in your shoes!

- Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Hey Valerie & all - I am so enjoying the updates on your China trip. We adopted clear back in 1995 and it's so much fun re-living the journey through others. Your Aubriana is absolutely adorable! Best wishes to your family, and thanks so much for sharing!! Deb

JoAnn in NJ said...

Hi Valerie!
I have enjoyed your blog too, I like your writing style and I think much of your humor is based in sarcasm, which I personally think is funny.

Unfortunately, sharing your world with strangers can definately bring out some strange characters. I wouldn't worry about's the friends who aren't really friends who will break your heart every time. Luckily I've never had that problem yet.

I love reliving our journey to our beautiful girl Kelsey through yours to Aubriana!

Hunan girls rock!

Anonymous said...

Aubriana is good and healthy I see. Wait until she gets home and starts in on the Texas sized chicken fried steak with taters and gravy!
Let the fools in lala land stay there so we can laugh at them. Thanks for sharing your journey as you see it and with your humor.

Dori's Mommy (Diana) said...

I hope you have a safe journey home. Thanks for sharing your trip with us!

Rachel said...

Congratulations on finishing your journey to bring your daughter home. She is beautiful and it looks like a great trip!

I am sorry you received some hurtful comments - I experienced the same on my blog - people are so clueless sometimes!

Congratulations again from another member of the GW12/05 adn 1/06 LID group!


Anonymous said...

Have been checking your site often hoping you're going to post some homecoming pictures soon! Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Welcome Home Hytner Family!

I can't wait to meet your beautiful daugher.

The Fischer Family

Eloise said...

I enjoyed following your story of the adoption of your precious daughter. I hope you will return to blogging soon.

Anonymous said...

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