Chen Family Temple, lots of carvings and intricate artistry
Hello People,
Sorry for the delay in posting, but yesterday was a travel day....and oh what a day it was.
We left the Dolton Hotel at 12:00 noon to head towards the Changsha Airport....our group was traveling as a whole for the first time and we looked like we had been living there about 2-3 years with the trolley carts full of luggage we all had.
We made it to the airport and thought, great, we have a guide this time (Grace, the amazing) and this will be smooth sailing; yeah smooth sailing, like the Titanic.
Apparently on May 1 (the day we traveled) the entire country implemented a new rule that only one carry on was allowed per person; this meant a purse was a carry on. No more one carry on and one personal item, i.e. diaper bag, lap top computer, medical supplies et al.
We had already waiting in a long line to get our ticket and check our bags, when we were told to get out of line and check all of our carry on baggage, thus began the great dumping of the babies' food, formula etc.
Due to all of the extra baggage, our group was fined for being "over-weight" and we all had to pay more money before being cleared to go though security.
We paid the fines, and then proceeded to wait in the security line, where after about 25 minutes we were causing too much delay and they told us to get out of that line and go to another! We were all stopped for something or another, this time they didn't like the ice block I brought to keep my insulin cool. One of our travel mates was stopped for a baby toy - because it squeaked.
Then we got though security and walked to our gate, only to learn the flight would be delayed by an hour.
Tip: PACK FREAKING LIGHT - Be prepared for most things to go differently than you anticipated.
We were all scrambling to change babies in the airport and try to get them something to eat with the limited rations we had with us, as all of their stuff was either trashed or on the tarmac waiting for the ghost plane.
We landed after 7:30 pm from a flight that was only 50 minutes long.
Today we went to the Chen Family Temple.
I'll try to upload more photos tomorrow as time permits.
It is really hot and humid here, still little to no air conditioning in most places and a finding a cold drink is akin to winning the lottery, you hear it happens, but most likely not to you. I'm off to dream about my La-Z-Boy and all the iced tea I can drink.
Love V
That's great but do you have a baby with you? How is she doing?
Soooo good to hear from you! Glad you made it through! We will have your ice maker going and some iced tea ready for you on your return!
Love y'all!
The Anderson gang!
We found ice tea served in quart size mason jars at Lucy's Bar and Grill, within walking distance of the White Swan. They also had western food on their menu, as well as mashed potatoes for the baby. You need to try it.
Momma Martha
I do so remember the rock hard beds in China. We have a Select Comfort and my number is like 35 so you are right that the beds in China are more like 887. That and the unique food definitely makes you appreciate home all the more when you return!!
Just to let you know that my daughter's friend Hannah is hanging in there. They thought she wasn't going to live last weekend but on Tues. she took a turn for the better so now they are feeling cautiously optimistic. Her family posted a message that said they remained hopeful of the small improvements Hannah is making; however, even though she is making movements, opening her eyes, and such, these are not purposeful or show conscious awareness. They are hoping she will awaken from her coma and they will be better able to assess the extent of her brain damage. But her family said they could feel the prayers and support of everyone and they asked us to continue. So for those following along from your blog page - THANKS for the prayers and keep them coming.
GW Mom
We've been reading your posts and are really enjoying them. We will be following your same route (Changsta to Guangzhou) hopefully in less than a month (waiting for TA).
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