I don't know about you, but I'm shocked and dismayed that the calendar reflects the year 2009.
Wasn't it just yesterday that we were all trying to understand how we would deal with the challenge of writing and saying 2000? How would we pronounce "2001", twenty oh one or two thousand and one? Would Y2K be the end of life as we knew it? Well, we somehow adjusted and figured it out, but the curve balls of life seem to be getting faster and harder to adjust to.
This whole motherhood thing is really a challenge to one's sense of self and priorities, in other words you have no sense of self and your only priorities are the children.
I have found myself thanking and embracing every mother I encounter with a new found respect for ever having raised any human being to adult-hood; even so-so mothers whose, children were given more free passes than Cloris Leachman on Dancing With The Stars, it is a major accomplishment noteworthy of praise on the grandest of scales.
The days seem to be endless yet the weeks and months fly by. The precious moments of certain looks, sounds and images are as fleeting as a beautiful cloud floating by, another like it will not be seen again, but others just as unique and lovely will brighten your day again soon.
I hate to make new years resolutions every year (as they are promises seldom kept) but this year I resolve to:
1) Worry less about how my house looks when I could be playing with the kids.
2) Not get upset about material things that get broken by little hands who will soon have interests beyond this home.
3) Not doubt my mothering techniques and believe I am a GREAT mom and giving my babies all the best of me .
4) Forgiving myself if I trip once in a while knowing they are judging me as children do, with honesty and love.
5) To take nothing for granted, and create happy memories which will last them and me a lifetime.
6) To give them all my love every-day without conditions placed upon it and to accept theirs in return and know that this is the gift and reward for being a mom.
A toast to all the mother's out there, you are amazing and wonderful people and I am humbled and proud to be counted amongst you.
Love you, sweet friend. And you ARE great mom. Don't ever forget that. Lil Dude and A are lucky to have you.
P.S. When I pull up your blog, Johnny Cash is singing "I Walk the Line". Meisey LOVES it and starts to boogy. Very cute!
I just love your blog! You are so right!
Your two angels are absolutely gorgeous.
When I look at Lil' Dude he reminds me so much of my little boy almost 9 years ago when we first began our journey together.
I am going to copy & paste (2 nice words for STEAL) your NY's resolutions and post on my fridge..they are sooo much better then losing weight and they are SO TRUE!! Your kids are adorable!!
Happy New Year!
And, the cuteness rolls right into 2009! Now those are resolutions that are realistic and as Diana said much better (and easier to keep) than losing weight!!
Cheers to moms...we totally rock!
Funny, I was thinking about you today and was excited to see your new entry... your little angels are so darling and oh my the cheeks, twice the goodness! I was remebering you holding my Miah and feeding her, saying you had never done that in the past and now I see the pictures of your darlings and think how amazing it is that you are up to your eyeballs in baby food and all things toddler! I am so very happy to see your New Year resolution list and I have got to tell you mine sounds a lot like it. Be blessed this year and I wish you many many happy memories. Stacey
Love your New Year's resolutions! And never doubt you are an incredible mom - those smiles on the little ones are total evidence!!!!
I seriously do not know how you do two - seriously. You are doing a great job. Happy New Year!
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