Friday, August 26, 2011

Love for Love's Sake

There are so many amazing people you meet via the world of adoption. 

On the whole I would generalize them as people who have a heart with love to share and seek out a child to pour that energy into.  A way of building a family.  That is what it was for me, but as I've met more and more people, who share this road to build family and spread love, aside from the average adoptive family there are stand-out people who are more like angels living amongst us, who take it to an entirely different plane of comprehension than anything I could come up with on my own.

They are inspired, to spread love and honor God by going above and beyond the regular protocol, to rescue/protect/shelter/honor... I don't know the right word; to love without condition a damaged soul. 

To seek out the weaker beings and less obviously optimistic circumstances,  to stretch further, and dig deeper to go to a level most of us would be too timid to risk treading towards, because it carries greater risk, less security of a positive ending.

I came across this blog, and this family's story is sad and inspirational and awe inspiring and I wish I could love and relinquish expectations this freely and find hope in the darkest corner and trust that no matter what,  God  is in control, and doesn't require my worries or concerns to block what is the ultimate act of living in his image. 

To love and accept people for no other reason than you are born and that makes you worth everything in his eyes, and if you are lucky enough to cross paths with one of those angels who walk amongst us who  are here to be an example of how to live your best life to take note and absorb some of that hope and faith.

Please take a moment to visit this blog
Hope for Elisyn - A journey to heal her broken Heart and read the story of this family and the leap of faith they took to love and save this beautiful girl.

Perhaps if we gather together to lift her up in prayer, we can be part of a wondrous opportunity to bring hope and happiness to this family and brighten our own life experience by sharing our energies to lift up a family member in need.

I am so touched that people have such a capacity for giving and loving, I pray God will let her light shine long and strong here on earth before he calls
this angel home.

Hug  your loved ones extra tight, because our blessings are so much more than we comprehend.



liasmomma said...

don't know if you're still following that blog b/c she changed the address but little Elisyn had the operation on Monday and it went way better than they could have hoped for. It went from not thinking she was eligible for surgery to she was and it was totally successful. You can see her blog here:


Dita said...

Well, I just went over there to the new blog and you got me hooked, Val...another amazing woman with an amazing daughter (and children and hubby)....making a difference in one another's lives every single does work miracles doesn't it.

love you, Val.......
