Thursday, October 29, 2009

No; Self

We are embarking on another turn on the road of growing up. Lil Dude is being challenged between wanting me to be a part of everything he does, even if it is just sitting next to him while he watches cartoons and his innate desire for independence. I tried to put a bib on him at breakfast only to be pushed away, twice, while he said sternly "No! Self". I am now obsolete when it comes to adding a bib to his meal attire. Aubriana, does not desire any assistance once the clothes are off with the removal of her diaper. How is it overnight, their minds decide tomorrow will be different, we can now do x,y and z?

The purpose of a parent is to prepare and release our children into the world. It is a struggle almost from the beginning to be free from the host that brought you to life, it is a dance of coming together and separating only to reunite again in the rhythm of life; although the tempo is faster than I had anticipated.

The pushing away is painful to me, while I know it is necessary, there was a physical and emotional discomfort in the act of being pushed away.

I was raised by a parent who tried to suppress that need and desire for independence in their children and know the repercussions of such behavior; but knowing now how it feels to be less needed everyday, I understand the thought process behind those actions.

If done properly the independent child turns into an adult who no longer needs their parents, but chooses to be with them out of love and desire.

Growing pains are not just for the young.

Lil Dude found the wagon by himself and was pulling Sister and pumpkins all around the patch.

Aubriana, is practicing her best pose for later parades in an open convertable.

They didn't need to be told to hug for the shot.


Unknown said...

so adorable!!! Believe me... it's far from over - they still need you -
just yesterday Brady needed me to run a paper to school for him so he wouldn't get detention. See, they need their mommies for a long time!!!
Even if they go through the stage of not thinking they do!! :)

Christie said...

Awwww, but growing up is so fun too! Even as they push away, we get to watch them unfold the world around them. And we also get to take a breath. Ha!

Dita said...

The old NO;SELF has reared its ugly head here too.

Sweetie no longer allows me to bib her either and not only does she push me away, she rips the bib off and then puts it back on her self. It's like I had cooties when I put the bib on her. What's worse is she follows it up with one of her infamous down the nose scowls directed RIGHT at me. I really feel like crying when she does that!

If she's reaching for something and I try to help her to achieve her goal and hand it to her she MELTS DOWN and throws it. I can't soother her by distracting her. The only way I can stop the meltdown is by putting the object back where it was in the first place and walk away. I shudder when I glance back over my shoulder and watch her teetering on a stool or some other object in an accident certain pose attempting to RE-get it, SELF!

It's hard to imagine that our job right now is to teach that independence that makes their need for us obsolete, but as you reminded is also preparing me for the joy that will come one day when she puts her hand out to me because she WANTS to, out of love and affection, not because she HAS to.

Is it okay if I moan about it until then?

The pictures of the kids are so completely adorable. I 'bout died when I saw A doing the open car hair sweep...and the sweet hug of her little Prince Charming.

shelley said...

We awakened one day to "by self" for everything. hope this is a quick phase and his skills catch up with his attitude.