Thursday, December 31, 2009

The Guarded Heart

The Guarded Heart
Hides behind a shield to muffle it's lonely cry;
if you take the time to listen and learn the reason why,
it will open wide for you, if only you will try.

The blessing of two children was bestowed upon to me
An unexpected boy and a long awaited she.
The boy with velvet eyes and a smile most disarming
So playful and so tender and always, always charming.

She came to me with loveliness as a veil that she wore;
My love for her was instant and from deep inside my core.
This child had a soul that had seen the world's trials;
the innocence of babydom had been gone for many miles.

Old soul what can I give to you that you don't already know?
Love without condition and to touch the heart you're scared to show.
But something new is rising from behind your beauty veil;
a sweetness and a trusting through this real life fairy tale.

Your eyes shine with renewed hope and a light that has a twinkle
You hold me with your gaze and in your laughter I hear a tinkle.
When I offer gentle kisses and wrap my arms around you tight;
I get back what I have given; you no longer fuss or fight.

Oh how long I have waited to walk this path with you
to watch you grow and fulfill your dreams most true.
My special little princess, my perfect Asian pearl.
Always and forever my darling chosen girl.

Love, Mother

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Stop Thief

I'd like to file a report on some missing items.  Items I've long held in my possession, items that have called the same locations in the house "home" for near 7 years running.  These items are not of particular value to anyone else but me; still they are useful and serve their intended purpose well. 

Blue Hairbrush: 
This brush is nearly 2 decades old and is "thee" brush for me. I've purchased dozens but  none come close to taming my locks nor feeling so comfortable in my hands as this little brush. 

Porcelin teapot shaped tea bag holder.
When I first received this item near 5 years ago, I admit my first ungracious thought was "What the hell am I supposed to do with this? I don't drink hot tea." but I repurposed it and it has become a twice daily used part of my routine.  It has become my very fancy pill holder and safely guards the dozens of vitamins and Rx I use everyday.

Green eyeshadow cartridge and 4 Bonnie Bell fruit flavored lip gloss sticks.

Don't ask abaout the green eyeshadow it was a 90's thing, but the cartridge holds 4 units and the other three sit homeless while the housing and green cartridge are gone.  I put this with the lip gloss because they disappeard at the same time from the same drawer.

4 pens and 2 sets of wooden drumsticks:  The pens  are noticed everytime I try to write a check out at my desk and the recipients of said checks would appreciate a check that is actually signed.  A drum without drumsticks is just a sad instrument without purpose.

1/2 a banana taken from atop the dining room table.
I don't want to re-claim it to eat it, just curious where it may be.


Aubriana AKA "Rambling Rose" Notice the lack of eye contact.

Lil Dude AKA "Sticky Fingers Stan" Note the shifty smile and the tenative touching of the fingers.

Maggie Moo AKA "The Magster" Note the bored yawn of one who knows but will not speak.

If you've seen any of these suspects approach with caution, they are known to carry loaded diapers and the dog may or may not ride your leg in an inappropriate manner. 

Reward for all items returned in their original condition, except the banana, please dipose of properly.

Thank you for your assistance.

Vindictive Valerie

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Introducing: Miss Keira Joy

The miracle of adoption has revealed itself again.  My dear friends Christie and Anton saw the face of their daughter for the first time today, after almost 4 years of waiting!

In natural labor your body tells you when to push, in adoption ,agencies and paperwork tell you when it is time.  When all is said and done, children are a blessing from G*d and the love, excitement, and joy is the same.

Anton, Christie, Quint and Keira Joy, may your blessings outnumber your troubles, the road always rise up to meet you with the wind at your back and the sun on your face and the strength of love, warmth and support that is Family be yours for always.

Love Valerie